Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Rafflecopter Winners!

We've emailed all of the winners, but if your name is below and you didn't receive an email, please let us know!

Winner of $100 Amazon Gift Card:

Cathy Jeppson

Winners of 7-book ebook series of the Timeless Romance Anthologies (we added a #6 winner):

Teddie Bateman

Amberly Stevenson

Gayle Humphreys

Jacqueline Stephens

Sarah Kelley

Christene Houston

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Launch week for TYING THE KNOT!

We are excited for the official release of TYING THE KNOT! This is the 9th and final book in The Newport Ladies Book Club series. We hope you'll love it!
We have a fabulous rafflecopter available for one week only! You'll be entered to win an $100 Amazon gift card and the complete E-book set of the award-winning Timeless Romance Anthology series, which includes romance novellas by all of us.
Prizes include $100 Amazon gift card:
And 5 people will win the complete E-book set of the Timeless Romance Anthology series:
You can purchase the Kindle or Paperback version here. Also available at and Barnes & Noble.